Friday 4 November 2011

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time.....Except this is no fairy story. After some soul searching I have decided to jack in a successful career and business and follow my heart and become a full-time writer. I did try to do some planning for this momentous decision but was thwarted. I am quite a logical person and to that end I decided that I would approach my decision in an academic way. I planned to go back to University to study for an MA in Screenwriting & Production. However, the best laid plans rarely go to plan and my MA course has become a victim of the recession and has been axed. So, it looks as though I am going to have to do this the old fashioned way. My plan is to study on some short courses to try to learn the craft of writing. I have no idea whether I am any good or how I am going to make my dream of earning a living through my writing happen. Come with me and share my journey. I am sure it's going to be a bumpy ride. Once of the best things about being a Writer I have already decided is that I have the perfect excuse to sit at my desk with my faithful friend Ludo, the Kitten asleep at my feet.